THE WOMEN’S LEAGUE meets on the first Wednesday of the month from 2.00-4.00pm in the church hall. Our interesting and entertaining programme runs from September through to June, when it culminates in a summer outing. We welcome speakers, experience new crafts, enjoy some dancing and generally have a thoroughly enjoyable couple of hours. We are also proud to support the chosen national charitable project and are always keen to do some fund raising. We would love to add to our numbers so please feel free to come along.
KNIT AND NATTER meet on the second Monday of the month from 1.00-3.00pm in the church hall and runs throughout the year. Natter is certainly the operative word in the name as our tongues never stop! The ability to knit isn’t a prerequisite as some ladies sew, some crochet, some make cards, some prefer colouring books but one thing is guaranteed, everyone will be joining in the hilarity. It’s a fun packed afternoon shared with lovely people. If you are free, please join us.
THE TERRACE CAFÉ is slowly returning after very hard covid times. It is currently open on the third Saturday of the month and offers a refreshing cup of tea or coffee with a choice of teacake, muffin, pancake or rowie, all at the modest cost of £2. There is usually a small raffle too for those who enjoy a little flutter! If you are in the area, why not call in, you’ll be assured of a warm welcome.